Chapter 3c Ocean Basin Evolution


Stages of Ocean Basin Evolution



rift valley forms as continent begins to split

  Great Rift Valley, Eastern Africa


sea-floor basalts begin forming as continental sections diverge

  Red Sea


broad ocean basin widens, trenches develop and subduction begins

  Atlantic Ocean


subduction eliminates much of sea floor and oceanic ridge

  Pacific Ocean


            narrow ocean basin, possibly shallowing because of sediment input

            young mountain ranges along flanks

            Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf

Continental Collision

last of the sea floor is eliminated and continents collide,

  forming a continental mountain chain.

  Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau

The Red Sea – Forming a new ocean basin

Life Cycle of an Ocean





Types of Faults


Extensional – pulling apart, normal fault

Compressional – pushing together, thrust fault

Transform – sliding past laterally

The type of faults show the direction of stress


Stages of Ocean Rifting



regional uplift, extensional faulting

rift valleys on continent

East African Rift Valley


rift valley deepens and is flooded by seawater

spreading begins (mid-ocean ridge forms)


Sequence of opening a new ocean basin:

Dead Sea Rift (north end of Red Sea)


Red Sea (true ocean basin, but still narrow)

Gulf of Aden (becoming an open ocean basin)


ocean basin with spreading center & continental margins

Atlantic Ocean


dominated by convergence  (subduction)

trenches / volcanic island arcs / coastal mountain ranges

Pacific Ocean


convergence – continental blocks squeeze ocean basin

collision / regional uplift / narrow, closing seas

Mediterranean Sea

Persian Gulf – small remnant of ancient Tethys Sea, almost completely closed


continental collision with regional uplift

high mountain belts form

Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau

Rifting of the Red Sea

modern, active process

extension of the MOR spreading center in the Indian Ocean

 (Carlsberg Ridge)

Rifting of Pangaea

In the beginning of the Jurassic,

  about 200 million years ago,

  the same set of processes began

  rifting Pangaea to form the Atlantic Ocean.

Afar Triple Junction

Extensional Faulting in the Afar Rift

Axial Volcanoes in the Afar Rift

Regional Basalt Intrusion – Somalia

East African Rift

Lake Tanganyika

Mount Kilamanjaro

Northern Red Sea

showing the Nile Valley, Nile Delta, and Sinai Peninsula

The Dead Sea and Dead Sea Rift


Closure Part I



Peruvian Trench


Chilean Coast


showing Andes Mountains


Closure Part II


Tethys Seaway



Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz

Indian subcontinent, geologic provinces



Indian Plate Collision from Space


Himalayan Front from Space


View into the Himalayas


Tectonic map of region around Indian Ocean

All stages in ocean evolution are found here

Western U.S. – Great Basin


Extension (spreading) of the Basin and Range province